Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well now that I officially launched this blog, there's people other than my brother reading it so...no pressure.

Even though school doesn't officially start until Monday, today was the day everyone was set to arrive. I had stayed in the apartment alone last night and that is when I realized that maybe watching a week's worth of people getting murdered on Criminal Minds wasn't such a good idea when I had to be alone in a new city where I literally did not know anyone for miles around.
(For those counting at home, that is the 3rd time I have mentioned Criminal Minds on this blog so far)

Thankfully, I did not get murdered and got to enjoy the day meeting my new roommates, going on the tour of the neighborhood with the apartment-coordinator Joe and pretend like I didn't know where anything was. ("Really? 17 coffee shops on this block? I had no idea!")

This whole week is orientations and this afternoon was the first one. I've realized that ice-breakers are universally hated by everyone so people just bond over the fact that they wish they weren't doing them. Maybe that's a just a sneaky trick planned by the people who invented ice-breakers?

Ours included Skittles and questions pertaining to the colors one picked. For my red Skittle I had to answer "What is something about you that we don't know?" (That seemed easy since I had never met these people before in my life) but it was followed up by "Something really unexpected". The only thing I could think of off the top of my head was that I have been hypnotized a bunch of times which is obviously a longer story but when they asked me to explain I just said "Uh, I was afraid of buses" which isn't quite true but I probably shouldn't have brought up my mental health history for a first impression.

Now everyone is super exhausted and jet-lagged, meanwhile I am on a normal sleep schedule so while they all go to bed at 7pm, maybe I'll do something else...like watch Criminal Minds.

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