Monday, September 26, 2011

Awkward Town

So, so far, transitioning into London has not been my usual awkward introduction as it usually is when I start new places. It was too suspicious. Good thing I got my dose of uncomfortableness back today in spades.

This morning, being too lazy to open a window to check the weather and/or look it up on-line. I decided to wear thick black stockings with this longish blue sweater over a button down (This is important to the story, I'm not just telling everyone what I wore today.)
I had planned on going to check out the Euston Street Hillel this morning before class. I left 2 hours before class and it was a beautiful sunny day out...too sunny.
By the time I got to Starbucks, I was getting a little warm but other people were wearing jackets and boots so i didn't feel dumb. I started walking down Euston.
By the time I got to the building, my iced Chai Latte was long gone, but I was still sweating. I was buzzed in and tried to open a door (that I didn't see was marked FIRE EXIT) When a man came through another door.

"You're using the wrong door. Haven't you been here before? Come with me" He said with a thick Russian accent.
"Ah yeah...sorry, I'm new. I'm a study abroad student?"
He brought me down some stairs to an office next to a lounge. "Do you have ID?"
"Yeah! Sorry, here...Hi! My name's Aviva."
"*Blank stare* Don't sit on the couches, we just had a flood."
"Oh..ah okay. Cool thanks."

I walked through the opening into this big room/lounge in which I saw couches had been roped off. There were around 5 college age kids eating a table, two sitting on chairs, two playing pool and one girl on a computer. It wasn't like the Hillel and Maryland where you can slip in unnoticed. It was super hot. My tights felt tighter. Everyone looked up at me here.
"Oh..uh. Hi."
I walked over to the girl and boy playing pool. The girl was nice and introduced herself and the boy. I talked to them for 23 seconds. 
Now, I don't have a problem speaking to new people, at all. Except in this scenario, I knew that EVERYONE could hear me trying to talk to them. Brits talk really quietly. And I do not. So I walked over to the boys on the couch.
After the initial name/"I'm from New York" exchange, I knew that it was my turn to talk except all I could think was: EFF WHY am I sweating so MUCH? Why did I wear these DAMN stockings? WHY AM I EVEN ALIVE???
The boy turned to continue talking with his friend. At this point it was just pretty obvious I wasn't gonna make any great connections so I picked up my phone and made a noise like 'Oh'. 
As in 'Oh! I'm late for my imaginary appointment. I'd love to stay and awkwardly hover over your conversation and sweat but unfortunately I only allotted myself 6 and a half minutes to check this place out and my time is up.'So I picked up and headed out. Probably leaving them all raising their eyebrows at each other like 'well that was weird...'
Obviously I can never return.

As soon as I left I walked to Boots to get some lighter tights since my sweater was barely covering my bum. So I bought some opaque ones, which were completely see-through. All day I was pulling down my sweater, especially since it had started raining and being all windy once I left Boots. Eff.

After Theater class later, I went and bought a big vanilla milkshake to reward myself for even going there alone. One small step...

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