Monday, September 12, 2011

Moving Day

A British lady yelled at me today.

Ok, well she didn't exactly yell. But I think it was yelling for a British person.
I was on the bus and she said "Excuse me, it's illegal for you to put your suitcase in the buggy area" (i.e. the alcove on the bus for baby strollers).
"I can't leave my son in the aisle", she added.
"Oh, ok." I smiled back while trying to maneuver my luggage into the middle of the bus. She smiled that pretentious smile that made the ticker tape in my head play "Your tight yoga pants are stupid...I hate your dumb black sneakers...your Aryan son's haircut is ugly."

And then she leaves the stroller there to go onto the back of the bus!

So it's illegal for me to avoid a fire hazard with my suitcase but it's legal for you to leave your baby on a crowded bus to find a better seat? This world is lousy with baby snatchers!

I watch SVU. I know these things.

I can't imagine leaving my baby at the front of the bus. I accidentally leave my car keys on cafe tables all the time! I would definitely forget my "buggy". And then get off the bus 6 stops later and be like shoot, I am for sure forgetting something... but then brush off and get a scone.

I should have taken her child just to teach her a lesson. Yeah! That'll show you to tell me to move my luggage, no more baby! That's how we do it in NYC! SVU-style.

Anyways, baby-snatching aside. I have moved into my apartment today. Apart from having precisely 1,000 steps it's actually quite lovely. Low ceilings which make me feel tall. My roommates don't arrive until tomorrow so I might introduce myself to the neighbors.
(The neighbors being a nail salon and a pub)

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