Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brunettes with Mild highlights really do have more fun

So Reasons To Be Pretty was probably the worst play I've seen here so far. At first I thought "ah finally a play that's not written in English from 1885 Ireland. But takes place in 2011 America." But then I thought "OW MY EARS why are these accents so freaking bad? Why are the 20 something characters calling each other bro and dude every 5 seconds?" and then "I hate every one of these characters. The girls are bitches and idiots and the guys are assholes and losers. I hope they all die in a fiery blimp accident and no one ever finds their remains."

The scenery was nice though.

What was NOT nice was the woman next to me who had never heard of a shower. Seriously lady, class it up a little, you're in the theater. And people next to you have working noses.

Today I got to my autobiography class to find no one in it AGAIN. Finally 3 other students showed up and we waited for 45 minutes just talking which was nice. I love how they pronounce 'thing' as 'fing'. It doesn't make any sense but it's cute. Finally my teacher popped in and was like 'Oh hey, we're in room BP322. Didn't you get the e-mail...?" Yeah, we got the e-mail. We just decided to come back to the old room for nostalgia's sake. She was apologetic and said they had been in that room last week too but since we didn't know she won't give us absences. Which was cool of her. In the elevator in the tube later I heard this man talking to a student. He said "So do you love London yet? Wanna stay here forever?" to which she replied "Uch no, I wanna go back to NY". I gasped audibly.

Today at work I got a surprise. Other Intern had been exiled to the conference room. What's this? A new pretty intern taking her place in the main office? That's weird. I can understand how I'm moveable since I'm not contributing but Other Intern is! Maybe this organization should get a bigger office room and get rid of all this hierarchy tension. Or probably no one else feels it because as I put down my stuff in the conference room I said "Wow, I see you got kicked out of the office now too..." and Other Intern didn't know what I was talking about. New Intern seems nice though...even if she did take that seat too preemptively.
New Boss had some sort of Interfaith event to go to so he left at 3. He said something like " have stuff to do then?" to which I nodded to because I was in the middle of catching up on my Cracked articles.
At 4 I told Other Intern that I wanted to leave early, she said "Oh..I guess you can."
"When New Boss leaves...who's in charge? I think it should be me and I say I'm leaving early."
"Sure it can be you. You're an intern. I always forget you're not getting paid."
"Yup and now I'm the stand-in boss. See you Tuesday!"

I had a hair appointment today. I decided to dye my hair blonde despite the protests from my friends. (Not family, because as Shira put it "you're not going to listen anyways are you?"). Not because I thought I'd look good blonde but because I felt like doing something different. Plus the pinkish streaks in my hair were starting to annoy me.
Fortunately, the hairdresser who was in charge of this expedition decided that blonde is too harsh and put light highlights in my hair. It's not as dramatic as I was expecting but it actually looks nice which actually IS a change for once. So it's acceptable.
I never got my hair dyed professionally. It takes forEVER and it burns a little too. But you get to sit there all up in tin-foil and read magazines for 2 hours. So now I'm pretty much an expert in the destruction of Ashton and Demi's marriage.

Since I spent all money on my hair tonight I didn't go out. But I have 2 weeks (TEAR) left and the second Shabbat ends I am not sleeping. I am not wasting another precious moment here before I have to return to Maryland.

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