Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Procrastination and Denial

Oh. Em Gee. I can't.

I'm supposed to be packing right now. Or writing my final essays. Or, I dunno ANYTHING.

Yesterday was my last day at Interact. Well, technically Friday was my last day but I decided to come in for the last magazine meeting and plus I wanted to get my evaluation from my boss. Also I knew that if I stayed home I wouldn't get any work done but once I'm in the office I'm all up on my essays instead of e-mailing nature reserves or something.

One thing that I've been doing these past few weeks has been updating the Facebook and Twitter feeds. Literally, that's all. And it's been AMAZING. Seriously I can make up about 19 Tweets an hour, it's been a job I've been training for my whole life apparently. Periodically New Boss would come out and laugh or say that I have to stop scaring people into coming to Interaction Days or applying for the intern position. These were some of my fave posts:

Working at Interact is like working at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory except with considerably less people dying in the chocolate river.

Interaction's offices now 100% Zombie-proof. It's really your best defense in the apocalypse. Send your CV now!

Be an interfaith intern and make Grandma proud! Unless your grandma is really racist, then do it just to annoy her.

The magazine's over so for the last meeting, Other Intern and I bought cake (*kosher* cake from Sainsbury which I *JUST* discovered they had kosher food. On my last day. kill me.) and some fizzy drink called Schlour. Unfortunately, only 3 of the writers decided to come. Much like the usual meetings, you would think that the promise of free cake would entice them. Also the fact that I would be LEAVING but whatever. It was nice, kind of chill. These kids are all very I suggested afterwards that maybe for the next magazine cycle they could have more talking time for the writers to get to know each other. It was a pretty awkward party.

But afterwards, New Boss and Other Intern gave me a box of chocolates and a really nice card. Like, really nice. At my last internship they also had a going away thing for me but they gave me a can of coke they had gotten from the vending machine. This felt pretty heart-felt and I really miss working there. I've realized that I actually like working with others (go figure) and they seemed really sad that I wasn't going to be working there either. My boss told me that he would friend me on Facebook which is sweet....except for the fact that I've been writing posts about him for a few months. Awkward.

He wrote me a REALLY nice evaluation though, surprisingly since I literally did not do much. "Excellent interpersonal skills, good commitment and a sophisticated understanding of interfaith work." I don't know about sophisticated but, that seems vague and nice. So I'm happy. I only got a 4 out of 5 in "flexibility" though, I have no idea what that means but whatever, I'll leave it.

Last night I FINALLY went to see Platform 9 and 3/4. My friend went with me, but basically "because I knew you needed someone to take a picture of you and it made me sad to think that you would ask a stranger to take a picture of a grown woman next to it alone." Thanks.
It was pretty cute, it's exactly what you think. A cart in a wall. But I'm glad I went.
There's so much more I still haven't seen, Trafalgar Square, London Dungeon, Harrod's. But I know I'll be back and have so much more to look forward to.

I really want to write a good-bye post and sum up everything but I think maybe I'll do that in a little bit. I don't want to admit that I have less than 18 hours left here...

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