Sunday, November 6, 2011

Guy Fawkes Night

So tired from all this Guy Fawkes celebrations, but more on that later.

Shabbat was nice. I went to a friend from elementary school that I reconnected with here in London, Leah. She works at the JLE (Jewish Learning Exchange) so we went to their Arabian themed Friday night dinner. Met a lot of people who were interesting. Such as the Kenny G-look alike that sat next to me at dinner. Tell me if this is normal.

Him: Is that good?
Me: Yeah, it's good.
Him: Are you done? Can I have the rest?
Me: can get yourself some since it's a buffet
Him: Nah, *grabs my plate and utensils and finishes it*

That's why you shouldn't be nice to people, because they will follow you around and eat your food. Another attempt at making friends went like this:

Me: I love your glasses. I have weird glasses too but I didn't wear them.
Boy: Thanks I think. Where are you from?
Me: New York, you?
Him: Toronto
Me: Oh, Canada...gross....Sorry. I'm bad at making friends.

Aside from that, I did meet two cool girls. And ate a lot a lot of rice. So

Last night was Guy Fawkes night. I've never seen V for Vendetta and all I know is that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament, he was caught and now they blow up...fireworks? I could hear them all the way home to Baker Street. My friend Jackson and I were on our way to Paddington to see more when we changed course and decided to check out haunted pub instead. After finding it, it was obvious it was just a very very old pub...which was cool but nothing haunted happened. But in the haunted spirit we ordered Bloody Marys. It was fun. I realize that I don't need a million friends to hang out with or a big group of girls to have fun, all I need is one person who talks in TV show quotes and likes to judge people around us. That's all I need.

Everyone was going to a Guy Fawkes student club night so we headed back to our apartment to get ready. But after drinking more, getting on the tube and almost getting there Jackson was just like "Do you really want to go to this club or do you just wanna go back and watch TV?"

So that's what we did. In fancy club clothes.

And that was my Guy Fawkes night.

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