Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daylight Shamings

I spent my entire day yesterday thinking it was an hour later than it was. So I woke up an hour early, got to work an hour early and ate lunch an hour early. It didn't matter much until I was in a staff meeting with my new boss (whom I had actually thought was my new co-worker until he informed me he was replacing my current boss, who forgot to tell me she was leaving.)

We were in the meeting when I noticed that the clock on the wall was room was an hour late..."weird" I thought "They forgot to change it for daylight savings....but Ounie's watch is wrong too...and Richard's...and Ounie's Mac...weird that everyone forgot to change their time."
I look up to find my boss looking at me expectantly, "Well? What do you think?"
"Um...uh...I think all the clocks in here are wrong. They all say 3 o'clock."
"It is 3 o'clock...maybe it's YOUR time that's wrong?"
"Ah...that makes more sense."

All in all, probably not a good first impression.

At the magazine meeting, one girl mentioned it was the Muslim holiday of Eid and I asked her what that meant. She explained that Abraham almost sacrificed his son so every year they slaughter a lamb and focus on "cutting the bad things from their life." I asked why it was 4 days and she said that Muslims only have 2 major holidays so they make them long.
I could probably Wikipedia for more information but that seemed pretty interesting. I mean, I know the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac but it's interesting that Muslims found that story so inspiring that they created a holiday around it.

After work, I was super tired and decided to sit, watch House, drink wine and enjoy the fact that all my roommates were out doing various roommate things. But my friend texted me to come to student night at the Rocket so I shut my laptop, hopped on the tube and was there in 15 min flat. I'm going to miss living in a city so much.

Except that my friends are not as speedy as me and made me wait 25 min for them.
I don't mind waiting for them and if it was any other venue I'd meet other people to entertain me but it's weird making friends at a bar despite what you see on How I Met Your Mother. It's weird having other people think you're there alone to make friends or pick up guys or whatever. I couldn't just sit at the bar and what? strike up conversations with people getting pitchers for their friends? You can't just sit there when there's a ton of pushy students around you trying to get drinks. So I stood around with my phone looking impatient so everyone knew I was waiting for friends. Another successful maneuver to show strangers that I'm not a weirdo, score.

Anyways, I have to run soon. It's a Wednesday night and you know that's play night! Tonight's show is Broken Glass an Authur Miller play. Then after, my roommate and I are going to clean the bathroom. Ah, the life of a socialite diva.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Muslims believe that it was Ishmael who was sacrificed, not Isaac.
