Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This Kitchen is Bitchen!

Sorry for the delay. I don't like to skip days, because even though I know people are reading this, it really is just a writing discipline thing for me, as well as a log of this trip. So keep pestering me to update.

Yesterday was my first day of work. No fire alarms thank God. I did break the printer though...
I finally found out what my job is (kind of). I'm the coordinator between the staff of the magazine and the organization along with another girl, Ounie. So I know the title yet that that didn't mean anything to me. I was told that we were going to be running a meeting that night with the writers, I had never run a magazine meeting before but I said "great! I can do that!" (pretty much exactly what I said before I accidentally broke the printer.)

My office is cute. We share it with another organization called the Three Faiths Forum, which is also some sort of non-profit company. There's a guy working for them I noticed with a kippa and a dyed blonde mohawk. I have not had the chance to talk to him yet though.

I met some of them at lunch. Because everyone on the floor eats lunch together at a big conference table in the middle of the office. It's kind of the cutest thing I've ever seen. Everyone takes out their lunch or picks some up and then sit together and after they all wash dishes together. I sat next to one of the guys working for them who was asking me about my internship. I got the feeling that this man in a suit was trying to talk like an American for me.

Him: So how did you get the internship?
Me: Well I sent my CV to my program and they set it up so I just showed up here today.
Him: So you were like 'hey, I'm down with that'?
Me: I think those might have been my exact words actually.
Him: Sweet...bro.

Everyone's been nice too. I was nervous for the meeting we were supposed to be running but Ounie had planned out what we were going to say. I think our main job is to make sure that THEY know what they're doing. And we could also write for it if we wanted.

At 6pm, people started showing up. We had 4 writers, 3 photographers, 1 editor and 3 graphic designers. The first thing we did was go around and have everyone say their name, where they're from, what they're doing for the magazine and something random about themselves.
Everyone is between 21-26, from all over and here are only some of their credentials:

1. One French girl has a degree in graphic design and currently works for London Elle magazine.
2. One boy from New Dehli won his university tuition by being on an Indian reality show.
3. A girl from Bulgaria has a Phd in Political Science and writes for a reputable political blog here.

But they're all super impressive and a little intimidating. And I'm kind of in charge of them.
My introduction was "Hi, um, I'm from New York studying here, and...last night I went to a drag show." Awesome.
I am excited though, the magazine sounds super cool and everyone is just really passionate about it so it'll be really interesting to work with them.

Tonight I had another play for my theater class. It was called The Kitchen and I wasn't in love with it. The visuals and acting were pretty good, it's just very distracting seeing as that there are 30 parts and like 100 subplots. And not even one central plot, other than the fact that they all work in a kitchen. Every character is from a different country and you know I don't understand accents!
I did understand a dirty look an old man in front of me gave me when I stretched my feet out of the chairs during intermission. I moved them back right away realizing too late that I am not in a movie theater. But he had to add "We do not do THAT in England." K, how bout you make this about me being American. Cool.

Tomorrow I have class, work and then Not really a date. A meeting. With a stranger. So if I stop posting, it's probably because I was murdered. But I'll explain it all tomorrow!




    Ella Bee
