Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Elementary My Dear Watson

Sorry I missed yesterday, not much has been happening this week. About 90% of my conversations with people have been about what they're going to be for Halloween (ie confused face and 'uh...nothing') and telling them what I'm going to be (zombie Amy Winehouse).

Today was my 4th week at work where I've made massive progress and now I'm allowed to listen to my headphones while I sporadically check e-mails and update Interact's Facebook status.
The most exciting thing today happened when we were in the meeting room discussing the magazine staff meeting tonight when I glanced out the window and:

My boss: What?
Me: Oh...uh sorry to interrupt this but um, a rainbow outside!
My boss: It's very pretty
Me: A double rainbow! A double rainbow! "What does it meann??"

Sadly, know one knew what Youtube video I was quoting (if you don't either, shame on you - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI). So it just made me look a little more unhinged than they already think I am.

Tonight I watched the new British show Sherlock Holmes (it's about Sherlock Holmes).
This is cool for a variety reasons:

1. Benedict Cumberbath (or I like to call him Canterbury Brixby, because I can never remember his own real ridiculous name) is quite good (and beautiful) at playing the genius/asshole character which is obviously almost exactly like the bevy of these characters we have in TV today (Sheldon, House, Monk...although Monk isn't a jerk).

2. They live at 221b Baker st (but the show is surprisingly shot on Marylebone Rd., not right near me) but I still recognize a lot of places they shoot as very close to my apartment.

3. It's a British show I can actually make out the words to what they're saying (I watched an episode of The Office UK and the whole thing is mumbles.)

I recommend it.

Anyways, life here is pretty slow this week. Just getting back into the groove after Chag.

ps. I contacted a family on Shabbat.com to host me this weekend so get excited for more stranger stories!

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