Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bang Bang Bang

As part of my new crusade to eat healthy and lose the right kind of pounds here, I've given up eating ice cream so often (I've been 3 days clean and it's been pretty hard.)

So I traipsed up to Brent Cross today to pick up a package that my ADORABLE sister sent to me via friend who works at the shopping center there. And it was a cute little bag filled to the brim with gummies and candy bracelets. So, obviously I have to get rid of them before my icecreamaholic sponsers (ie roommates) find out. Thanks Shirsies!

Today in my script writing class, a former student of my teacher's came to speak with us. He writes for television, theater, advertisements..basically everything I want to do. And he's only 24. Well does HIS blog get 30 hits a day? And sometimes from Germany? I don't think so.

He was telling us about how he came around to writing, and he mentioned that he has this disease that when he "reads too much or takes in too much written information" he passes out. I was like "Is that a real thing?" and he answered good-naturally to my outburst "No, I'm lying...yes it's real and I have it."
I have never heard of this, he got bad grades in school for writing essays about what he *thought* happened in books or what he gathered from class discussions. I can't imagine being 24 and not having read a book before. It's crazy.

But he was very helpful and insightful in helping us figure out how to write, which I can't say for some journalists who I've heard speak. They basically go on about how difficult it is to be a reporter because you make no money, work too many hours and never see your family. Inspiring.

I also got to see another play for my OTHER theater class tonight, finally, since I missed so many for the Chagim. It was a slight delay in getting there seeing as that (according to the announcement on the tube) there was a body on the tracks. Suicide? Pushed? No idea, people just grumbled about the inconvenience. Nice to see that it's not just a NY thing.

The play was called Bang Bang Bang and was about these human rights activists in the Congo. Really focusing on the war and political issues about the also the personal lives of the activists. I thought it was going to be awful and boring but they actually produced it amazingly well. The music, lighting and acting were superb. But I have noticed a trend in all the plays we've seen.
Granted, I missed a few but the 4 or 5 I have seen always seem to involve an idealist character and a realist character. The Faith Machine made them a little too shallow and one dimensional but it was the same there. And something bad ALWAYS happens to the idealist. None of these plays are optimistic really. They're amazing...but not very happy.

As my friend Megan pointed out, "It's art. It's not supposed to make you happy."

But he actually was very helpful


  1. On the news today: NY is rated #2 in RUDEST CITIES IN THE US. hooray! (beaten by LA, naturally)

    p.s.- i miss you.

  2. To be fair I did send the gummies BEFORE you started your healthy lifestyle.

    Glad you liked them!
