Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thanks for Your patience!

Hey lovelies. Sorry I've been taking a little vacation from my blog. It's been a tad busy this week. But I'll catch you all up very fast:

Work - I spent lunch with my German co-worker who had lived in Gaza for a couple of years. I could tell she wanted to debate the Israeli/Palestinian situation with me but I smoothly side-stepped it by changing the subject to the wonderment of this beautiful weather. At the staff meeting, one chick proposed an article about plastic surgery and religion. I was taking notes when she said 'designer vaginas' and accidentally laughed. Looking up, I realized no one laughed with me...I was all alone in my immaturity. But I covered it with a delayed cough, don't worry.

Sukkot - My original plans for the first days fell through and I was very sad that again I would be alone during a chag. But I bucked up, got dressed, said goodbye to my flatmates and headed to Chabad. I left a note on the fridge telling them that I didn't have my cellphone and that if I don't return from 32 Cumberland Place they can a. call the police and b. divide up my stuff between them.
I had an unexpectedly amazing time all three nights. Everyone there was super friendly, the Rabbi was very welcoming, and the food was not so bad. It's good to have lowered expectations all the time like me.
The only annoying thing was that mostly everyone there was French, and although I DID take a semester of French at Queensborough Commnity College, none of them wanted to talk about colors or numbers. Disappointing. The first night I sat next to very nice Swiss girls and some cool French people but at some point I realized that everyone was speaking their native language ie not English. So I had to quietly sit there until someone said something in English so I could break in. But I did forcibly meet a lot of nice people so I'm glad.

School - I have no idea what's going on in school as I missed half of last week and will be missing most of this week as well. Shoot.

Today - Today I had another class for my internship, mostly getting together with that excited blonde lady from the first week (who still hasn't managed to catch her breath) and discuss our internships so far. Then I went to Westminster Abbey with my friend. It is ORNATE. Jewish memorials are usually slabs of marble with one or two words, which is simple and I understand why they're like that. But these English monarchs knew a thing about EXTENSIVE graves and style. It is seriously breathtaking, and also a little creepy. But it's still beautiful. So that was my touristy thing for today. Tonight's a bar-crawl with JSOC, the Jewish Society of something something. I'm a little tired of being overly-friendly to every person I meet, especially since I have to do it all over again this weekend but I think I can manage one more night for some free drinks.

Ok, now you're all caught up so we'll return to our regularly scheduled daily updates.

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