Friday, October 28, 2011

Stop Trying to Make Me Go to Rehab

Yesterday, I got to go to my Autobiography class for the first time in about 3 weeks so I was excited to get there. On the tube here, they force newspapers into your hands outside the station and then people just leave them on the trains and other people read them after. It's an interesting system.

Someone shoved a copy of the Short List on me, which is a free film/music/TV magazine. The articles are pretty standard, but one caught my eye; 49 Ways To be Cool.
Each number was something like DON'T - Drink Whiskey DO - Drink Tequila. And then a little paragraph why. I don't think anyone's ever been "cooler" by taking tips from a publication that's main usage is keeping the homeless warm at night in Hyde Park. I can't imagine someone coming up to me and being like 'Wow you're so cool!' and I would be "Yeah, I get most of my style tips from those papers people sit on in the tube, without it I'd be a whiskey-drinking, chunky watch-wearing, snowboarding SOB."

One tip surprised me (besides the DON'T- Snowboard DO -Surf one, because nothings cooler than giving up an activity you like cuz it's not 'cool' anymore.) was one that said DON'T - Take the bus/tube DO - Bike. Does this magazine know that if people took their bikes, then they wouldn't be able to READ this thing? Do they care more about being cool than money? Then I take back everything I've said, they're clearly very dedicated and know what they're talking about.

Last night my neighbors threw a Halloween party even though it's not until Monday. I know that I didn't grow up with Halloween and that some people would say that it's pagan and Jews shouldn't celebrate it. But how can I pass up an opportunity to go to a fancy dress party when that's literally all I live for? I don't think of it as Halloween, I just think of it as coordinating my hobbies with everyone else's calenders.

I was Amy Winehouse. I was going to be Zombie Amy Winehouse but settled on Angel Amy Winehouse because I found really cool wings at Camden Market for 10 pounds, plus I was already going to be putting on copious amounts of eyeliner, I didn't want a ton of more make-up over it.

I think it came out really awesome. And someone else was dressed as Gaddafi so it's not even like I was the worst 'too-soon' costume. What does 'too soon' mean anyways? If you're saying it's OK to make fun of dead celebrities then what difference does it matter when they died? So then we'd have to scrap all the Marilyn Monroe and Jesus costumes then. Anyways, people went all out, Superman, Madeline, Samantha from Bewitched, an Abortion Doctor (with his own hanger), it's cool to see people our age get into it especially since a lot of Brits had told me Halloween isn't really done here.

During the party, my friend Lauren who's apartment it was (all the girls in her apartment were of the bunny ears/black dress type) decided she was over this party and wanted to go to Picadilly to the clubs. I was the only one who left with her. So there we were, Amy Winehouse and a Lion taking the tube to Picadilly. After an attention-receiving tube station, me and Lauren in her little body suit and Lion mane got into this club called Sound. There was a problem getting in for a second since I forgotten about my fake cocaine around my left nostril (my roommate had told me to crush up a tiny bit of Excedrin which I did but then accidentally snorted it, so it was mostly white eye-liner. I had to explain I was Amy which they thought was funny but also "bad luck")

It was amusing to see all these boys coming up to Lauren and telling her how cute her costume is, when all these girls in hot little dresses were clearly dolled up for attention and Lauren the Lion kept attracting all these guys. I guess that's what you get for going out in a costume when no one else is in one. Sat night I'm going to have to get it all on again for more parties. I'm not sure if I have enough eyeliner.

Have a great Shabbat darlings!

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